Have you every had a God Parade?

I would like to share with you the God Parade that lead to Key Women In Christ.

Sometimes it is the little things we would never expect that God is leading us too. Have you ever thought God was trying to get your attention, recently that happened to me. I think God was determined to get my attention. It all started during a fund raiser for the women’s ministry at my church. They were selling a key necklace for “Key Woman In My Life”.  I bought 4 keys that day, one for me and one for my sister, Diane. Little did I know that this was the start of my God Parade. Over the next few days, God kept putting on my heart…the key…uniting women in my name. It was during a conversation with my sister, that I said, I feel like God is directing me to do something with this key to unite women in Christ, like Key Women In Christ.

Then came my second God Parade. I was at a local grocery store when the checker asked me about my key necklace. She said, “That is the second key I have seen today. Is it some kind of cancer thing? Wow…here was an opportunity to disciple for Christ, I thought to myself.  “No, I am a Key Woman In Christ, I said. It is a symbol that Christ is the Key, and that I am sharing the love of Jesus with those around me.” We talked about Jesus for several minutes and then she said, I want to be a Key Woman In Christ, how do I get a key? Remembering, I had two other keys in my purse, I said, I would love to give you a key necklace. I would like to have your name, email and your Facebook information. I don’t want to lose our connection as Key Women In Christ. Walking out of the store, I was thanking Jesus for giving me this opportunity to share his love.

Now more than ever, I knew that God was directing me to do something with this little Key to draw women to him. Ok….you would think by now I would be hearing God loud and clear but no…still I was reluctant. God was still talking to me, directing me. Everywhere I turned I was seeing something with a KEY. On day I stopped at Michael’s to pick up craft supplies for our prayer books we were making, and there at the front of the store where racks of items with KEYS on them, small journals, small packs of Kleenex, canvas bags, wooden keys…I smiled and said OK GOD, I am getting the message, but still I couldn’t imagine God picking me for this.

A week later my husband and I were traveling to Indianapolis, and going down the highway I look up and I see a bright red KEY on the side of the building nothing else just a KEY. I said to Brad…we need to get off here I need to know what that building is. He laughed and said you and those KEYS…I had been telling him about my GOD PARADES. It turns out it is Key Bank….but that did it for me.

OK GOD….here goes nothing…on that Thursday I launched the Facebook page, following God’s obediently…I invited women to join me in empowering, enriching, and encouraging each other through the love of Jesus, God’s word and prayer. In 3 short days we had over 200 members. God is so amazing. To date we have over 1000 Facebook member in over 5 countries and over 200 women are email members. It is amazing, God is still growing Key Women In Christ with new members every day.  I still have God Parades..

Don’t miss your God Parade. He gives them to us all. God does speak to us, we just have to listen. God is leading our path and He is in complete control. Psalm 46:10 says “Be still and know that I am GOD. If you are still and wait on him, you will hear his voice.

I hope that you will continue to join me on this blog. I hope that each day you will find something that will spiritually recharge you and draw you a little closer to God.

God Parade ...that made me obedient
God Parade …that made me obedient

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