God’s direction

Isn’t it amazing how God has directed our every step since conception. From our first breathe, we were in the loving care of our Lord. Sometimes, I speculate how different my life would be if….   Have you every done that? What if I had a different mom and dad? What if I had been born with a physical or mental challenge? What if’s are endless. 

Are you feeling blessed yet? Every single challenge, event, circumstance, and direction your life has taken is a GOD given blessing. I know that my life would of been so different if I hadn’t met my husband when I did. His influence in my life stopped me from traveling down a really bad path. I thank God every day for that blessing. Now to make you understand how I know that God was directing that path. I was 15(just month from being 16), young and I knew everything, or so I thought, when I married my wonderful husband….now 44 years later we are still happily married, and I am so glad that GOD knew everything!  As a young a believer, I knew not only that I loved my husband but that God connected us.

Through my lifetime, numerous experiences showed me GOD’s handiwork. God’s hands mold and shape our lives everyday.  In Jeremiah 29:11 says, For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  He is promising you, that he knows the plans for your life, he’s directing you, and he is putting the right people in your life. So the next time …you think what if…remember GOD knows what if. So as you reflect on your life; remember God knew each and every moment of every day of your life. Take time to thank him for your life’s blessings and continue to Trust in him…For he is in control. One of the greatest spiritual recharges is knowing that you are walking through life with God by your side. May God continue to bless each of us.

Brad and Cheryl night before wedding



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