Do You Know Your PURPOSE?

Do you know your PURPOSE? That is a pretty in depth question.

God has a purpose, a plan for each of our lives. Jeremiah 29:11 says“I know a plan I have for you, declares the Lord.  Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”. Each of us has a purpose; some of us discovered our purpose early in life, some of us later in life. It doesn’t matter when you find your purpose in life, it just matters that you do. Everyone of us has a purpose in life. A purpose that God designed just for us

Regardless of your chosen career; maybe it is a nurse, touching lives through caring and healing, a teacher who is molding and shaping another young life with love and understanding, a law enforcement officer who offers protections and guidance, or a housewife is dedicated to providing love, comfort, and security to her family or a pastor sharing God’s word, draw others to the Lord. You are living with a purpose, but is it the purpose God chose for you?

What drives your life? Is it guilt, fear, anger, money or approval? Do you try to please everyone? Letting any of these things drive your life will lead straight to failure.  We are not put here on earth to make our mark or to be remembered. We were put here to fulfill God’s purpose and to prepare our hearts of eternal life. As the song says, “This is our temporary home.” I would prefer that someone remember how I touched lives and how I lived out the love of Jesus, rather than whom I am. It should never be about us, it should always be about JESUS CHRIST. I encourage you to search your heart, to listen to God’s voice as he speaks to you, find your God given purpose and start living your life for JESUS CHRIST. The reward is a priceless gift of eternal life, unfailing love, and the assurance that you will never walk alone.

                             God’s got the perfect purpose for your life.

 Don’t miss out on your purpose. Surrender to God’s will. The bible says in Pslam 138:8 (NIV) The Lord will fulfill his purpose , for me; your love, O Lord, endures forever; do no abandon the works of your hands.
Pslams 139:15 (MSG) .You know me inside and out you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something.

LORD. we know that many times this distance we feel is because we let the troubles of our life over shadow the joys and the blessings. Lord, you are in control. You know everything about us, your purpose for us. Lord, you know us inside and out; even before we drew our first breathe, you knew our destiny, my purpose. We humbly ask you to help us fulfill our purpose; help us to live the life you have designed especially for us. Father, we are your children and we desire to fulfill the purpose you have chosen for us.. Lord, please be our shining light as we walk in faith with you. In the mighty name of JESUS ….AMEN. .

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