It Starts With You–Judge Not


It is a beautiful crisp fall morning, the turkey is roasting, fresh cinnamon rolls are sitting on the counter and everyone is starting to rally.  We were coming together to celebrate Thanksgiving. The atmosphere should have been full of thankfulness and love but it seem more critical and negative.  I remember Philippians 2:14  Do everything without complaining and arguing. It breaks my heart to see my family being critical of each other. It sickens me to see them stray from their faith, to lie, to cheat, to hurt one another through their actions.

family dinner

 Our world is becoming more and more violent. There is a huge darkness spreading throughout the world and it is starting right in our own homes. Our lives are stressful due to health issues, financial struggles, and a variety of worries. We all make mistakes, we all are judgmental from time to time, we have been critical of someone, but we are told by GOD to love one another, to forgive each other, and to disciple to the nation. Matthew 7:1 reminds us “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.”   .  You are not living a Christ Centered Life if you are filled with anger, negativity, and bitterness.  God forgave us for all our sins and as Christians, faithful believers; we need to have that level of forgiveness. Do you have an accepting heart? Do you judge others by the clothes they wear or where they live?  JESUS loved us all. He took the hands of the ill, he took the hands of the unclean, and he took the hands of the lost. Are you willing to take the hands of all you come in contact with?

In today’s world there is so much negative, anger, hatred, and darkness but the only thing that can make a difference is JESUS. 1Corinthians 4:5 Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men’s hearts. At that time each will receive his praise from God “  I have a Christ given passion is to help others see the joy, the love and the peace that knowing Christ can give us. I want you to know the peace of an intimate relationship with JESUS CHRIST, Our Lord and Savior. Teach your children about Jesus, pray with one another, pray for one another and about all open your bible and read it daily. If you haven’t made that commitment to live a Christ Centered Life, you don’t know what you are missing. In Romans10:9-11  That if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.  For it with your hear that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the scripture says, Anyone who trust in him will never be out to shame.

Father,   Let us not judge each other, let us love one another as we desire to be loved. Let us speak truth, live faithful to you and love as you have taught us to love. Help us find the light in darkness and let us be a joy to all those around us. We desire to build our relationship with you Lord. We accept you as our Lord and Savior. We declare our love for you. In the mighty name of JESUS….


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