A New Year….A New Opportunity

As each year comes to a close we celebrate, reflect on the year past, and make resolutions for the New Year. I think of each New Year as a new opportunity to follow the path God has planned for me. I think of my life much like a canvas. On January 1, God starts a brand new canvas in my life. He uses a lot of the same colors, same materials, and same brush strokes but I never know what he is going to paint, what the finish product will be.

None of us live perfect, sinless lives. Determined as we maybe to follow God; we stray from God’s path from time to time. In spite of our short falls, God’s love for us is unfailing. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. God simply continues painting on our canvas, shading our lives. He adds the light to the darkness. He erases our sins with the color of forgiveness. Beaming colors splashed on the canvas are our emotions, love and loss, joy and sadness, and fear and success.

As you reflect on the canvas God painted for you this year, it may hold the loss of a loved one, or possibly the loss of a job, failing health, or financial despair, heartache or brokenness but look close and you will see the Lord was there in every challenge you faced and the Lord was behind every blessing you received. So as we reflect on last year and prepare for the New Year, focus on the blessings. Remember. GOD IS IN CONTROL ALWAYS. This year as you pray each night, be sure to thank him for the greatest blessing…Your Relationship with HIM.   Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8

 Heavenly Father,

We are so blessed to have you in control of our lives. Thank you for all the blessings of this past year and we sit with joyful anticipation of all that you have planned for us in this New Year. Father, we continue to rely on you. We thank you for guidance, wisdom, healing, mercy, and grace. We rejoice in your promise that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Thank you for Lord Jesus for being all I need.     AMEN.

prayer of placing

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