Walk By Faith

One of my favorite things to do is walk around our property, especially in the wooded area, where I can catch a glimpse of God’s beauty. I see it through the birds flying in the blue sky where there is a wisp of puffy white clouds, funny little squirrels scurry through the trees, jumping from limb to limb while cottontail rabbits are hopping across the fields, hiding under the limb debris and the frogs are sitting on the bank of the creek, singing cheerfully. As I walk taking in all God’s creations, I realize that the ground is uneven. I spotted a whole in the ground and that there are limbs and stones lying hidden by ground cover and grass; each could be an obstacle that could cause me to stumble or fall if I am not watchful.


                1Cornithians 5:7 For we walk by faith, not by sight.

Our lives are much like a walk through nature. We will stumble and even fall. It is during those times that we are walking without seeing that we stumble on our true path, the path the Lord has designed for us. How do I know that I have not strayed from God’s path. When we stray from God’s path for us, what is missing GOD’s PEACE and we are sure to encounter obstacles. No one is exempt from the stumbling block of life. We will all stumble, we will all fall, but GOD will pick us up. bush us off and help us continue to  Walk in FAITH.

Walk by FAITH. What does it mean to you to walk by FAITH?

In the bible time and time again we are taught about faith and righteousness but was does it really mean to Walk by Faith. You can’t have FAITH if you don’t believe. To me, walking in faith started only as I opened by heart to receive the love of JESUS CHRIST. I had to start building a relationship with him. For my faith comes from trusting in JESUS CHRIST. It is by faith that we understand that the universe was created by GOD, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible.

In Hebrew 11 1 it says Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. 

As I read through Hebrews 11, I saw example after example of FAITH. The bible is full of examples of walking in faith. Noah built the arch totally in faith, Abraham willingness to sacrifice Isaac was stepping out in faith, David and Goliath another walk of faith. Do you have examples of Walking in Faith? I am sure you do if you take a minute to reflect on how God has spoken to you and you have taken a leap of Faith. Have you ever prayed about something and truly placed it in the hands of GOD? I find that as my relationship with GOD grows…I am walking more and more in FAITH. We walk in FAITH…by trusting in the things unseen and trusting in JESUS CHRIST.  Faith doesn’t always mean victory and triumph. Faith sometimes means hanging on for dear life, having a gritty determination to endure. Remember, God is always in control. He answers our prayers in his timing not ours. It takes FAITH to wait on the LORD.  We have to have faith in his will not ours. Your faith is your responsibility. A growing relationship with GOD requires faithfulness. In a world that is filled with temptations, darkness, and deceit…you have to focus on the light, you have to stay strong in your faith and stand strong on the promises God made to us through his word.

lighthouse faith

Heavenly Father,  Please help me to walk in faith. Let my trust and faith remain strong in you Lord. Father, I take comfort in knowing that you will never forsake me even when I stumble, or stray from my path; I know that you will my rock, my salvation and you will carry me if I am weak.. Father, I am so blessed to have you, to have an intimate relationship with you. Praying my faithful relationship with you will continue to flourish and grow. Thank you for being my Lord and Savior….I love you so much.   Amen.


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