Touching Lives

Have you ever thought about how God touches our lives? From the moment we draw our first breathe we are touched by love. The bible tells us that GOD knew us before we were born. Jeremiah 1:5 says, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart. I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Amazing when you think that GOD knew us before we drew our first breathes and like every Father, he loved us even before we were born. You received your first loving touch, in the loving arms of your mother. As a small child, we are touched by love often, we are taught about loving one another and about JESUS loving us. As we grow, we encounter all different kinds of love, encouragement, and caring. God’s word says in Romans 12:10 “Be devoted to one another in brotherly love, give preference to one another in honor.”

Take a minute think about the people who have made a difference in your live. It might be a teacher who inspired and encouraged you, a close friend who was support during a struggle in your life, a loving spouse or companion, a family member or a spiritual mentor. Time and time again, we are touched by people around us. Jesus touched lives as he walked this earth. He loved his disciples, he loved the poor, the unclean; he loved everyone and judged no one accepting them one by one. Don’t we wish we could be like that? Do you try to touch lives around you with love? Sure, you do your family, your friends, your children, but what about the homeless person on the street, or someone who is poor and unclean, or someone you don’t even know, a stranger. How do you touch lives with the love of JESUS? When is the last time you loved on a total stranger, bought a homeless person a meal or gave a ride to church, and when is the last time you loved on someone you didn’t even know. Matthew 22:37-39 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it.”Love your neighbor as yourself.

Church should be a place filled with love. It is the house of our LORD. Do you feel loved and noticed at church? Recently, I heard a story about a woman who had been going to the same church for 28 years, she had been ill and not in church for several weeks. A woman who set near her noticed she wasn’t there, when she asked about her, no one knew. An usher in the church knew the lady and called to let her know someone noticed she had not been there…she asked who is this lady and why did she want to know about me. She was shocked that anyone cared and that anyone noticed. As I heard this story, I thought how sad, she had gone to church for 28 years and not felt the love of JESUS from anyone in the church. Where was the body of Christ in this church? In churches today, we seem to focus on so much, mission trips, updating and modernization of our churches, touching the community, living out the love of JESUS….but what about living in the love of JESUS. How can we love others and miss the opportunity to love our own body of Christ? Have you taken time to smile and tell someone you are glad to see them today? Have you ever bought a cup of coffee for someone at the church café? Have you ever walked up and spoken to someone you didn’t even know, maybe said JESUS wants you to know he loves you so much? Those are things that JESUS would want us to do, because that is sharing the love of JESUS. Take time to love everyone who touches your life. Love on those at church, those in the community, and those in the world. Just think how much brighter the world would be if you take a minute to love on someone. May John 3:16, be a constant reminder of the greatest act of love every given to us.” For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

We never know who God will bring into our lives, when or why….But God always knows exactly what you need and when you need it. Matthew 6:8 “Don’t be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.” In a recent church service, we were asked if we had to write down a name of someone who inspired, mentored us spiritual or touch our lives with love; whose name you would write down and who would write your name down? This made me think of all the blessings that I have received; the faithful uplifting and encouragement all through my life. God has continually blessed me. As I wrote down names of people who have touched my life…I realized the list is endless. Everyone who has come into my life has touched it. Some touched it with love, some with hurt and heart ache. Even when it was heartache or hurt, God used that so that I might comfort someone who had been hurt or broken hearted in the same way. I knew what they were going through giving me a more compassionate and loving heart for them. God knew each and every person and exactly how they would touch me and I would touch them. What an amazing realization. God continues to bless each of us through the love of others and our ability to love. So enter each day with a loving purpose. You can make a difference with your loving heart.


Father God,   We are so thankful for every person whose life touches ours and for every life we are blessed to touch. It is by your mighty hand that we are guided to love one another. Lord, may we be mighty disciples, touching others with the love of JESUS CHRIST today and every day. Let our love shine bright light in the darkness of the world. We give you praise and glory for all the people who have touched us with love. We thank you Lord for loving us so much. All in the loving name of JESUS.             AMEN.

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