Sometimes we find ourselves a drift, uncertain and doubtful. Are we walking in faith during those times? Are we vulnerable? Are we in a weakened state? Are we listening to the enemy?

One thing is for sure GOD is there”. We are not a drift, vulnerable or uncertain because of GOD. We are all those things because we are not focusing on GOD. We are not drawing on him, his strength, his grace and his love. GOD IS IN CONTROL ALWAYS. If we just let him be in control. It is our human nature to want to take charge, be in control, direct ourselves and others, but that is not what GOD wants. He wants us to fully rely on GOD. Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. 

Do you pray on every decision you make? Do you start your day by thanking GOD for guiding you in his ways? Do you take time to hear God’s voice through his word? I am sure that I am like many of you; who think you are listening to GOD’s voice, following his will and walking with him, but sometimes we let ourselves take control…maybe you thought you didn’t need to bother God with this or that. Maybe you thought you could handle it. I have done that especially if it involved my family and my kids. I will pray for God to take control and I have even said I am giving this to you God…but I find myself taking it back…doing things my way. And when we do that we are not FULLY RELYING ON GOD. We are not WALKING IN FAITH. We are not TRUSTING IN GOD.

In Ephesians 6: 10-18 talks about the Armor of God. The Shield of Faith is a part of that armor. It is a source of protection that GOD has given us.

shield of faith

Do you know what faith is?   The bible tells us in Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”

When we do not trust in GOD; we cannot walk in Faith. We are not Fully Relying on GOD.

A long time ago a friend gave me a FROG during a difficult time and said….You just need to be a FROG…You need to Fully Rely On God… because the only way we can truly experience Faith is by being a FROG.  So I would like to encourage you to be a FROG starting today. You need to stop being vulnerable, weak, and trying to control things yourself. TRUST GOD.

 Step out in Faith and be the FROG….Fully Rely On GOD….


Luke 1:37 “Nothing is impossible with GOD”

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