People all over the world claim to know JESUS and know GOD, but do they know of him or do they truly know him? We are taught that JESUS is the son of GOD, but do we really understand what that means to us?

Sometimes I find myself wondering, if on that day when I stand before GOD: Will he know me? Will he call me by name? Have I lived my life truly knowing JESUS and lived as he commanded through his word? It is like the song says “I CAN ONLY IMAGINE”. Throughout GOD’s word, He states his desire to know us and know us intimately; to have a personal relationship with us.  If God asked, you “Who am I to you”? What would your answer be?

As a child, I went to Sunday School, I memorized bible verses, and I sang hymns in praise, but it wasn’t until some years later that I came to understand what it means to truly know JESUS. I always believed but I didn’t have that personal relationship with my Lord and Savior. I didn’t really know GOD, not really know him.  As I grew in my relationship with God, I found myself looking back and seeing how God had been at work in my life all along. God knew before I used poor judgment I would use it, the mistakes I would make, and the fears I would face. Now I see how he took all my messes and gave me a very simple message…HE LOVES ME. It is when we start to understand and see God’s love at work in our lives and all around us that I feel we really start to know GOD personally.


The amazing promise of our sovereign God is THE BIBLE. His word is a source of strength, assurance and even love as I have come to know GOD. His word provides all I need to know about whom our Father really is, what he desires for us, what his laws and commands are for us, and how much he loves us. If you have never read the bible, I challenge you to read it. Start anywhere….no matter what book in the Bible you choose to read; it will offer you a special insight into who God is.

As Christians, it is our desire to follow JESUS, to share his love. How can you share him if you don’t know him? Take time to get closer to him…Grow in him…Let him know you through prayer. GOD love us and he wants that personal relationship of a Father with a child. YOU ARE A CHILD OF GOD….

Gracious and Loving Father,   As your children, help us to draw close to you. You said, “Let the little children come unto me to me”(Luke 18:16) Lord, we come to you….we come with a heartfelt desire to know you. As we walk through this earthly world, may we be mindful of your commands, seek your guidance and love as you have loved us. This is my prayer for every one of us to have that ability to love as you love and to draw close to you. May the trials of life be an opportunity to expand our relationship with you, to help us understand your plans for us. Lord, we seek you in all things. May our focus remain on you Lord, today, tomorrow and forever……AMEN.


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