Why do you pray? Do you remember the very first time you prayed? Was it the simple prayer,” God is good, God is great” at the dinner table or possibly the night time prayer “Now I lay me down to sleep?”

I was a very young child the first time I prayed and I do remember the simple prayers of a child but my strongest memories aren’t of those sweet and simple prayers; they are of my mom praying with tears rolling down her face because of circumstances and fears. My mother was a single mom raising 4 children. Life was not without challenges, but she was a believer. I can still hear her telling me that “The family who prays together…Stays together.

For the longest time I thought that you prayed when you needed GOD to do something…oh how wrong that was. Through prayer you can put yourself into any situation, at anytime, anywhere on earth, claiming his promise, Through prayer you can thank God for all you have and hope to have, for our his word, for our salvation and for the very breath we breathe.. Through prayer you can give GOD the praise and glory he deserves. Prayer is God’s Language, our way of communicating with him. In Jeremiah 29:12 “Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.” There is no distance between us and God in prayer.           There is Power In Prayer

Looking over the life I have lived….PRAYER was the key. When the darkness became so overwhelming and the brokenness heart breaking, it was PRAYER that gave me the glimpse of light. All my life I was taught about GOD, JESUS, and PRAYER. There are so many times, I remember crying out in prayer for GOD to help, but there is one very special time almost 11 years ago, when the POWER OF PRAYER was revealed clearly to me. My daughter was pregnant with my third grandchild; she was told there was a problem. The baby boy had a number of skeletal problems, and they were recommending abortion even if the child did live to full term, he would die at birth. As we left that appointment with tears streaming down our face, we walked in total silence to the car. Not much was said on the way home, but I started praying ….First I was like why GOD, then I felt this overwhelming calm and I prayed God I know you have a plan, help me to trust in that plan. It is as clear as the day it happened. I really believe in that still painful moment, God gave me those words, because he was telling me he had a plan. For weeks I prayed, she prayed, and I remember my daughter telling me that abortion wasn’t an option and that she prayed that if God would let him live…she would love him, care for him and she was trusting God to let her little boy live. And live he did…Born with holes in the lungs, bilateral club feet, mildly achondroplasia (dwarfed), and numerous other skeletal issues. He was taken straight to the NICU, and GOD went to work. He lived, and he will be 11 on January 31st. He has had some 15 surgeries during these 11 years. I remember telling one of the doctors when he was about 6 months old, I think it is time to stop focusing on the possibility that he might die…and start focusing on making his life as quality as we can. I said, I believe that there is a power much great than you at work here and I was right. GOD ANSWERS PRAYERS. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t THANK GOD for having a plan and for giving my daughter the strength to trust in his plan.

There have been so many times when I have PRAYED…that moment when my husband and I found ourselves living in our car with our week old baby girl and no money, no food, and only a ½ of tank of gas and I PRAYED. I was 18 years old and scared but I PRAYED. We prayed and trusted in God’s plan and he provided. When I lost my Grandfather , who I loved dearly at 13years old. Through all life’s hurts I PRAYED and there were many. I PRAYED, I PRAYED AND I PRAYED.

As a little girl I came to know Jesus but 11 years ago, my relationship with GOD changed. It became much closer and more intimate relationship. I look at the world a little different, I truly see GOD everywhere. I see him in the sunrise, the birds singing, the sweet voices of children at play, the elderly lady at the checkout, in absolutely everything. Why, because I PRAY. I pray all the time. I pray that GOD will open my eyes and help me to see what he has planned for me. I pray every day, all day, for those who God puts on my heart and for those who ask for prayers. WHY because I believe in the POWER OF PRAYER and I know there are many reading this that has seen GOD’s mighty hands at work in their lives. SO please believe…THERE IS POWER IN PRAYER. Join me and pray today….It doesn’t have to be a special prayer…just open your mouth and call to him…HEAVENLY FATHER, …(just talk to him…he is listening.)

1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18 16 Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

 Heavenly Father,    Thank you for your plans for us. As we pray with a variety of praises and struggles on our lips, let us always remember to pray with thanks-giving on our hearts; thanksgiving for the plans you have for us, your gift of salvation through Jesus Christ , and for our relationship with you. God, we pray continually because we trust in the power of prayer. We believe in you. We trust you LORD. We know that you are the same today, tomorrow and forever. Lord, give us wisdom and guidance to follow the plan you have perfectly designed for us.  We know that your unfailing love surrounds us. We pray and give all the GLORY to you GOD.  In the precious name of our Lord and Savior, JESUS CHRIST

And all God’s children said   AMEN….

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