When do you pray? Do you make your requests know to God? Do you know that throughout the bible we are commanded to seek him, ask him, praise him, and love him? And did you know you can do all that and more by praying?

Every morning is my time for God and me, I pray but it doesn’t end there. Throughout the day I pray and some might find the way I pray and the things I pray about different but God understands me perfectly. The other morning it was so cold and I was driving out of the parking lot at Walmart and I saw a large middle age man sitting on the side walk with his legs crossed, his face slightly covered by the hood on a large parka like coat. I said, God you know that man’s needs today so please be with him and let your will be known to him. Then there was the sweet cashier at Dillon’s who’s smile and kindness was refreshing so I said, God thank you for putting that sweet soul in my life today if only for a fleeting moment. May she continue to bless others throughout this day! After I ran my errands and drove my car in the garage, I was thanking God once again for my keeping me safe and helping me to see his blessings all around me.

There are so many scriptures that call us to pray. In the bible there are over 600 times that prayer is mentioned, some of these scriptures are

1John 5:14-15, There is confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have what we asked of him.” 

Mark 11:24: Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours”  

1 Thessaloanians 5: 16-18 Rejoice always,  pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Whatever you are facing today, God wants to hear from you. God is greater than the enemy; you don’t have to accept things the way they are. Just TAKE IT TO THE LORD IN PRAYER. Our God is a mighty to save; He wants to fight for us and he has overcome the world. Nothing is impossible for GOD. Surrender your struggles to him.

There have been so many time in my life that God rescued me from situations and I didn’t even recognize he did until years later when he would showed me in just the perfect moment how he has always been in control. As an out of control teenager, I made many bad choices. I was hurt, scare, unsure of myself and totally feeling unloved. But my loving Heavenly Father kept me safe, guided me and never left me. That same out of control, lost teenage was knelt down at her grandfather’s grave, weeping her heart out, I remember saying Grandpa I know you are in heaven and I miss you so much. I have no one to love me, no one to help me, please ask God to watch over me since you are up in heaven now. WOW….little did I know that I was praying and GOD was listening….but God did just that. He kept me from harm’s way, he put someone in my life who would make me feel safe, loved and hopeful. So when I say, “THERE IS POWER IN PRAYER”, I have seen it; I experience it every day.

God took that out of control lost teenager and made her a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, boss, but most importantly I became a CHILD OF GOD. He can do amazing things in your life if you only call upon him in PRAYER.

Jesus taught us to pray in Matthew6:9-13…. THERE IS POWER IN PRAYER.


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