Have you ever asked the question “God, where are you?”

I think all of us have felt this way at sometime in our lives. In almost every life storm I am reminded of the disciples in the boat when the horrible storm came and what Jesus said to them after he calmed the storm “Do you still have no Faith?”
Faith sees the invisible
                                                Believes the unbelievable
                                                            Receives the impossible.

It hardly matters the circumstances of the storm, when we are going through a life storm, we are struggling, and it doesn’t really matter why? God promises to be our refuge, but he didn’t promise us a trouble free world. Quite the contrary, he promised we would have troubles in this world. He also promised he would be with us always. So why do we sometime find ourselves asking “God, where are you?”

A pastor recently reminded me that the instructor is quiet during the test. God is our instructor, and he never leaves the room. He is with us every moment of every day. I do believe that each struggle, challenge or worldly encounter, that we have are simply to draw closer to him.

So when you are asking “God, where are you?” Are you not drawing closer to him? During the storms when we ask Why, How can this be happening, or what did I do to deserve this? You are asking for reasons and by doing this, we often miss the purpose. God knows the purpose; he knows every hair on your head, and your name is inscribed in the palm of his hand.

A couple of years ago, my daughter went in for a simple foot surgery and the nightmare began….She ended up with a terrible disease CRPS (Central Regional Pain Syndrome). Believe me, our entire family has asked WHY? WHY? This beautiful young vibrant young woman’s life has been turned upside down. Even, in all the challenges and changes in her through this disease, I have seen her grow in her relationship with GOD; I have seen her compassion for others expand even in her painful state, she is always trying. So Why…I am not sure but I am not asking for reasons, I am asking God, help me see the purpose, the blessing in all of this. And God gives me peace in the circumstances.

Jeremiah 29:11,”For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Recently and just a few weeks apart, Jesus came and took two beautiful young women (mothers) home. Both had suffered from cancer which had spread to the brain. One was a family member, one a sweet spiritual sister in Christ at my church, and both had beautiful families and small children. Talk about wanting to ask WHY….Where are you, GOD? Hundreds prayed for healing for years for them. I am sure the list is long of family and friends who have struggles with the WHY? How does a child understand? One of the questions asked by my niece’s children, was why does mommy have to go live with Jesus? I am not done having her live with us. Now, that’s a WHY for you? How do you make that sweet child understand, even when they know JESUS and they know their mom loved JESUS. We can do this only with the love of JESUS and his word.

John 14:2-3” In My Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.”

I don’t have all the answers but Jesus does. As you read this, I hope that you are asking yourself, Am I asking WHY, or Am I looking for the blessing and joy in the situation? We have to look for the blessing to see God’s purpose. I will tell you that since I started trying to look for the blessing….God has showed me HIS PEACE. No matter the trial I am facing, I know I am seeing God’s purpose in that trial when I can find His Peace.

Oh Father,
Thank you. With blessing so abundant around us, we thank you for helping us see the joy in the storms of life, the sweet blessing that come from hardship. We seek you Lord. May you help us to look for the blessing and sweet joys in our trials. May we find comfort in know that no trials do we ever face alone, for you are always with us. Lord, your mercy and your grace be with us. all the days of our lives. Thank you for loving us.
In Jesus name….AMEN


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