God’s Got A Plan For You….

This was the second scripture I memorized, and I think one of the most quoted and loved scriptures is Jeremiah 29:11,

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “
plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future.

I have read this scripture over and over but as I was reading it this morning, God gave me an entire new way to look at this scripture. Have you ever had someone offer to do something for you and you declined? Maybe they were going to buy you lunch, help you by running an errand, or offer to do something for you like laundry, housecleaning and have you said NO. Stop and think about this; when you said no, are you interfering with God’s plan? Often, we let our human pride stop us from receiving some of GOD’s greatest blessings, the love of others.

GOD has plans for you and that plan just might be a friend helping you by running errands when you can’t, or someone helping you financially not necessarily because you need it but because God has called them to live out…to show his love. So the next time you say NO to someone’s help …take a moment to thing about how you might be interfering with receiving GOD’s Blessings.

Several years ago, I was meeting a dear friend for lunch and when she offered to pay for my lunch, I said, NO, I can pay for yours or we can go Dutch.

What happened next, changed how I thought of blessings from then on. She said, Why do you want to steal my JOY of Blessing YOU? I was stunned; I just stood there looking at her. She said, “ I am not mad or upset with you, I just wanted to let you know that I get JOY in being able to bless you. God calls us to love one another and my blessing is showing GOD’s love. I accepted her offer of this blessing and from that moment on, a change started in me, I wanted to help GOD bless others too…I wanted to share his love with others.

God does have a plan for your life. The next time you are struggling, think of it that God might be giving someone else an opportunity to be a blessing. I remember a friend whose husband had ALS and she was trying to care for him, work, take care of their children, clean, cook, shop, and her life was so overwhelming, but she refused to allow others to help. So many in our church offered to cook meals, I ask to come help her clean or bring home her laundry to do, but the answer was Always NO. As I was writing this I wonder how many of God’s Blessing she missed. I wonder how many I missed before I changed my attitude. So, the next time you are offered a Blessing REMEMBER God has a plan and this is God blessing you through others or maybe the next time you feel God nudging you to bless someone…LIVE OUT and let God’s love shine through you. Bless others and You will be blessed…God Plan is for us to Prosper, to have Hope, and a Blessed Future.



Blessed Father,
Today, Guide my heart and my hands, use me to bless those around me. Let my words be kind and caring, my heart compassionate and loving, and my thought pure and on You. God, I pray today that you might bless others through me and I pray that others are receptive to these blessing. Help all to have receiving hearts and to accept and see Your Blessing and Your Glory. In JESUS name….AMEN

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