Spiritual Friendship

Have you ever though about how we get our friends? Where does friendship come from? Does it just happen or is it something that someone makes happen. We all have friends and we value our friendships, but have you ever thought that those friendships are God given. From the beginning, God crosses our paths with people for a reason, people who will touch our lives and those who we will touch.

In the beginning, God gave Adam, a woman, a life partner, a friend, which was Eve.It was from that time forward that God continued to intertwine people. In the Bible you will find many reference to friends. He even gave us a friend in Jesus. We saw the friendship between Jesus and Lazare, in the Bible. The bible is filled with verses on friends and friendship. In Proverbs 17:17 A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” and again Proverbs 27:10 Do not forsake your friend and your father’s friend, and do not go to your brother’s house in the day of your calamity. Better is a neighbor who is near than a brother who is far away. “ In John 15:12-13This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” God tells us to love our friends and to not forsake our friends. And when God aligns a friendship, you never know when or where they might happen.

Not long ago, I was having lunch with my sister at Panera’s and sitting next to us was a woman, her bible and study book were on the table, she was typing something on her tablet. The Study book caught my eye and I felt compelled to as her about the study. In the next moments, I found us into a conversation about women’s ministry, and I told her about Key Women In Christ, which God had called me and my sister to admin. Now months later, we get together every few weeks and we share our love of Jesus, our spiritual challenges, we pray for each other. A Spiritual friendship was born right there in that restaurant. I know that it was God who placed the desire for me to ask about her bible study. She has become not only a friend but an inspiration and a mentor.

Another very similar time, a bible study at my church, I was seated again with my sister and dark haired woman sat beside me. As we introduced our selves it was apparent that she was from somewhere other than Kansas. I ask about where she was from and she told me South Africa, we began to visit and exchanged information. She told me she would not be at the study for weeks because she was going home to see her kids in South Africa. It was sometime before I would get a phone call from her. I was amazed when she called, first that she didn’t loose my number and second that she would actual reach out…Definitely a God thing. We visited, we meet for coffee, we took another bible study together, and a beautiful friendship was born. Now we talk everyday, we are more like family than friends. She needed a friend in Kansas and I was brand new to this church . So God provide for both of us with this beautiful friendship that was God inspired and spiritually built.

Over 15 years ago, my husband had lymphoma cancer. My brother in law was dating a woman and who would of guessed that even though their relationship ended, we would become lifelong friends. She was so kind. Her dad was an oncologist. She would answer questions for us. She would just show up and pray for us. She joined us as we praised God when he was cancer free. Now this past few months, she is once again, so kind and supportive as my husband once again walks through cancer. This time it is lung cancer. We don’t live in the same town anymore but she continues to be a supportive and loving friend through her Facebook messages and her a prayers and words of encouragement. She continues to bless us and who would of thought that God would of brought her into our lives at that very moment…giving us someone who could encourage, support and show us the love of Jesus.

I could go on forever talking about the way God has aligned my path with beautiful people at just the perfect time. But I do need to share one more special friendship. 40 years ago, I moved in next door to a lady that God would align our paths, we would have coffee together, raise our kids together, walk though life together, from birth of our children to the death of our parents, we would share life. This God given friendship would be there every day. Even though we are miles apart we are forever in each other’s heart. God has given me beautiful spiritual friendship that were found in a classroom, in church, through family but everyone of them is perfectly plan by God, of that I am certain.

What I want each of you to know is that nothing happens by accident, It is all God’s plan. He provides the people we need in our lives at just the time we need them. My mom use to say if you can count 5 friends in your lifetime, you are extremely blessed. Well, I want to tell you that God is not limited. He will give you many spiritual friendships. He will grow them, bless them and even challenge them from time to time but if God gives you a spiritual friendship it is something special. Something to be cherished, nurtured and loved.

Heavenly Father, Thank you for the beautiful people who You align our path with. We are so blessed by every friendship. May the spiritual connection of friendship always be so special. Forever grateful for the love that is shared through our love of Christ and our friends. AMEN .

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