I Trust You Lord

When you say that I Trust in the Lord, what exactly are you saying? The bible has so many beautiful scriptures on Trusting in the Lord. Proverbs 3:5-6Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” This is one of my favorites but when I think of Trusting in the LORD, to me, it means releasing everything to him. Letting him be in complete control of my life, however, that is so contrary to what we as humans do. We like to be in control, we like to be independent, and we think we can fix things.

Well in my years on this earth, I have learned how little I can control, how little I can fix and that we always need others. I could share so many stories where my life seemed out of control but this year has definitely been a year that I was reminded on how little we control. In May 2019, my husband had a bronchial scope and a lung biopsy. As I set praying in the waiting room, the doctor immerges from the operating room. His word where scorched into my brain. The large mass in the right lung appears to be a fast growing cancer, the pathology report will not be in for several days. The doctor said, have your husband contact a oncologist. Suddenly my knees felt weak, my heart was pounding and my mind was racing. My world was rocked; I was shaken and all I could do was pray, cry and pray some more. When reality slaps you in the face, you realize that you aren’t in control, never have been. God is in control always. God knew already what the future would hold. As Brad and I started, this walk of cancer once again, we didn’t have fear, doubts because we knew GOD has a plan. I remember when Brad and I were talking, Brad said to me, the treatments and the surgery will be a win, win, for me. I will either be cured or I will be in heaven and either way it is a win for me. I quickly told him, I like the first option the best. Right then in that moment, we both realized that we had placed all our Trust in the Lord. We have no fear, God had given us a peace. and that is TRUST. When we Trust In The LORD…we are surrendering it to HIM. And as I say Thank You JESUS, for the healing grace that Brad has received. He had his complete right lung removed and he is doing very good. He was so excited to be able to go back to driving the golf cart at church and he tells everyone, I am here because it was God’s plan and I put my Trust in HIM. Psalms 56:3-4 “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise—in God I trust and am not afraid.

Within just weeks of Brad’s lung surgery. I went in my annual echo cardiogram to check on my aortic valve, which they have been watching for over 15 years. To my dismay, my phone rang within hours of the test and it was my doctor. He said, Cheryl your aortic valve stenosis has gone from moderate to severe and we need to schedule a TEE heart test immediately. I explain that just wasn’t an option because I was Brad’s caretaker and we would need to wait until he was little further in his recovery. So over the course of two months we did several different test and then a left and right heart cath. So today, I meet with the surgeon I was referred to ( who just so happened to be my husband’s lung surgeon), we asked jokingly do you give a family discount on surgeries. But as he started explaining what we were facing the humor quickly drained from the room. No one wants to hear a doctor say ” I am not trying to scare you but you are facing a big, big open heart surgery.” Again, I could feel myself being shaken and suddenly, I could hear myself saying I WILL NOT FEAR. I TRUST IN THE LORD. As we continued to talk about what was ahead and how long we could wait to do the procedure. I could feel the fear becoming less and less and I could hear myself saying to the surgeon,” it’s all in God’s control, God’s timing and his plan. I am thankful that you will be the surgeon because we are both already know that you are very good at what you do.” So as we move forward to planning for the open heart surgery, we are walking the walk of “I Trust in GOD. I believe with my whole heart that God is holding me close in the palm of his hand and that HE is with me and has walked before me to prepare the path for exactly what he has planned. So when I say I trust in the LORD…I do …for I have placed my life in his hands and I know he has a plan for me…a perfect plan.

When You put Your Trust in the Lord, there is a peace that comes over you like no other peace. And I say thank your Lord for that peace and for loving me. Great is Your Faithfulness.

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