Speaking with Love

What matters in Your life? What matters is it earthly treasures, ways of the world, or your relationship with the Lord? The Bible tells us in Romans 12:2 “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Recently, I have been reflecting on what truly matters in this world. As, I looked at all the things I have been blessed with in this world, my life. I found myself saying Thank You Jesus, for not one of them would I have if He had not created me. So when I say it is by his hand, it is truly by his hand, for each of us are created by Him in His image.

So do you thing what we are doing is honoring and pleasing to GOD? When is the last time you did an act of kindness, been a positive in someone’s day or life, and shared the love of Jesus. We were all call to be disciples, to love one another. How can we do this if our hearts are anger, bitter, or negative. In Ephesian 4:31-32 All bitterness, anger and wrath, shouting and slander must be removed from you, along with all malice.  And be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ.

Recently, someone was telling me how bad their kids attitude was. I said, we reap what we sow. Then, I said, ” Your attitude hasn’t been very pleasant lately either, what are you struggling with? .” If we are spewing hateful words and hurtful comments, that is more than likely, what we will receive in return. Let your words be the words of the LORD. Speak positive, show empathy, and be kind. So let’s look at ” You have a bad attitude” maybe you could say something like ” Is something bothering you? You don’t seem yourself.” Now you are not only taking away the defensive attitude, but you are showing that you care about what is going on with them. When we are hateful and harsh, we are hurting someone. If we make a habit of doing this….we will soon not be a very nice person ourselves. We will find us thinking negative and not positive. God tells us to “Speak truth in Love”.

Ephesians 4:15

I am challenging you, say something kind, say something positive and say something out of love. Can you imagine how much better this world would be, if we truly were kind to one another. And it begins with each of us…we can be the bright light of Jesus in this world, with the simple words ” How are you? or It is so nice to see you today. It is wonderful when we buy coffee for someone behind us in line or behind us in a car, but there is no personal touch in this. Have you ever seen someone smile, when you hold the door open and say have a blessed day. That is an example of being the light. How about calling someone on the phone and say ” I was thinking about you today and just wanted to call and say HI” You never know the difference those simple words might make. So be the positive in this negative world. That is what God has called us to do.

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