We are in this together so PRAY (Part2)

Just a few weeks ago, I was saddened by the shut down of our country, the lives being lost by the pandemic. Still I continue in prayer for our nation’s healing but that scope of pray has changed and expanded, as now it isn’t only the pandemic that is tearing our country apart, it is the looting, the destruction and the HATE. We need to PRAY our way back to GOD, not as a person, a city, a state, a country but as the whole world. As Romans 12: 9-10 (NIV) Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.

Where is the Peace in this world? How do we find it? It is about where you are looking. We need to be looking to Christ; for our Peace is in Christ. Pray is a conversation with GOD. Pray is seeking God through the Word, though His son Jesus Christ and through the Holy Spirit. As I pray HIS WORD over and over, I am reaffirming his promises, seeking Him and both of these lead me to HIS PEACE. As John 5:14 says ”  This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. ” God listens. ” That is one of those promises I am speaking about “God listens” even when we do not think he is listening, even when we haven’t spoken a word, God hears our heart.

Praying privately, with family or with a friend, anytime we come to the Lord in Prayer, we are having a conversation of love. Whether You are praying a request or need, or praying with thanksgiving and praise, it is our conversation with God. So if you are like me and love to talk, I hope you are also like me and talking to God all the time, with a thankful heart, and a word of praise. If you are not talking to God, I encourage you to pick up your bible, to open it up and to pray with God. Even if you don’t speak the words, he will hear you. We are all his children, one body, Loved by Him, Created in His Image, and Saved by His Grace, so we have a lot to thank Him for. In Romans 12:4-5 “For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” Don’t we wish it was just that simple that we were one body, the human body/ the human race, and we were united as one through our Lord, Jesus Christ. Don’t we wish we could all love like Jesus did, unfailing without judgement, forgiving and saving. Well we can if we have a heart that belongs to Jesus Christ, if we believe in the promises of the Word. So I invite you to pick up a bible and PRAY…start a conversation with God. Let’s all come together through Prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

Please Pray with me.

Heavenly Father, Draw us unto You. Let us seek You through Your Word. Thank You that You always hear us even when we don’t say a word. Thank You for Your word which guide, encourages, and strengthen us in there troubled times. Lord, as we come before you today, we pray for the Peace of Christ to rain down over this world, our country, and over Your children. Let us remember that we were all created by You in an image of love, with a heart that is called to love. Help us take up our shield of Faith against the evil that is abounding all around us. Lord, let us embrace the challenges presented before us as an opportunity to Trust in You. May Our land and lives be healed, our hearts be renewed and our eyes set on You. Lord, please reward our steadfast mind that is set on trust in You with Your perfect peace. We know there is no fear in love, for perfect love drives our fear. Thank you Jesus for your perfect love. Thank You Jesus for being our refuge. In the name of Christ Jesus…AMEN

One Comment

  • Thank you Cheryl.

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